Shipping & Returns

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

We strive to dispatch orders within 2 business days. Depending on your chosen shipping method and destination, delivery typically takes 3-7 business days

How can I check the status of my order?

You'll receive a confirmation email with a tracking link once your order has been shipped out.

How do I modify or cancel my order?

We make every effort to dispatch orders promptly (within 2 business days), so there may be a limited window to modify or cancel. If needed, please contact us promptly via our Contact page, and we'll assist you.

What is the return/refund policy?
  • Our products are designed with your satisfaction in mind. If you're not pleased for any reason, contact us within 30 days of your purchase for assistance with returns and refunds.
  • In order for an item to be eligible for a refund or exchange, it must be returned in its original packaging and new condition (unworn, unwashed, undamaged and with original tags attached).
  • Return requests for separate orders cannot be submitted together. You must submit a request for each unique order number. The returns must be packaged separately and shipped separately using the return label you received for each order

Returns & Exchanges

  • Returns

    We acknowledge that not every purchase may meet your expectations, which is why we provide a 30-day return policy.

  • Exchanges

    In need of a size, color, or style exchange? Worry not – we've got you covered. You are entitled to a 30-day window for item exchanges following your purchase.

  • Gift Return

    Need assistance in returning or exchanging a gift? We are pleased to be of service.